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The Rule 37(e) Safe Harbor: The Touchstone Of Effective Information Management

Nothing surprises us anymore in the world of information retention and electronic discovery. Organizations routinely complain about the exponential growth of information and the associated costs. Those costs have been acutely felt in litigation as courts have heightened their expectations for how...

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What's The Big Deal About Search?

"For lawyers and judges to dare opine that a certain search term or terms would be more likely to produce information than the terms that were used is truly to go where angels fear to tread." - Magistrate Judge John Facciola of the U.S. District Court of Washington, D.C., in U.S. v. O'Keefe...

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Proactive Discovery Begins With Information Management

You are in-house counsel at an organization and have just received a complaint filed in Federal Court. The complaint raises product liability claims, and the allegations implicate the engineering, manufacturing, marketing and sales organizations. Relevant information needs to be identified and...

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Archiving Is For E-discovery; Backup Is For Recovery

"Not a dark or novel art" might sound like a ruling from the Wizengamot Court in the Harry Potter universe, but actually came from a ruling denying safe harbor for an evidence spoliation claim. The dark art referred to by the court is Information Management , the process and technology...

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