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Five Traps For The Unwary Licensee

Licensors and licensees enter into agreements with each other all the time with respect to the commercialization of products covered by patent rights or other technology. These agreements can take many forms, including “pure” license grants, R&D collaborations and joint venture...

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Labor & Employment

The Impact Of Sweeping NLRB Changes On Business

Editor: Please describe your background in the field of labor and employment law. Rosen: For more then 34 years, I have represented private sector management clients in labor and employment law matters. Approximately 50 percent of my practice is devoted to traditional labor relations matters,...

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Finance | Real Estate

Adapting To Market Conditions: Joint-Venture Considerations For The Institutional Real Estate Investor And Its Legal Counsel

In an environment where real estate buyers are increasingly confronted by a market that is either focused on a particular asset type, or geographic area, or some other widely accepted trend or type, many buyers are discovering that they must look beyond their normal “comfort zone” in...

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Healthcare | Life Sciences

Buyers And Sellers Beware – Federal And State Antitrust Authorities Heighten Scrutiny Of Healthcare Provider M&A

The pace of consolidation and affiliations among healthcare providers has increased dramatically over the last year and is predicted to continue to increase in 2012. Whether the providers are attempting to increase their size and scope to combat Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rate reductions...

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Helping Business By Building Predictability Into Environmental Regulations

Editor: Please describe your extensive practice in environmental law and land use. Robins: For over two decades, I have focused on transactional matters, cost recovery litigation, penalty enforcement defense, compliance issues and obtaining permitting approvals. I’ve assisted clients in...

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Gaming | Technology

DOJ Reverses Course And Announces Favorable Internet Gambling Policy

On December 23, 2011, the Office of Legal Counsel (“OLC”) of the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) revealed that the DOJ had wholly rejected its long-held interpretation of the 1961 Federal Wire Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1084 (“Wire Act”) by concluding that the...

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Mysteries Of Uniform Commercial Code Article 9: Security Interests In Commingled Goods

It’s not always what a business person might expect. The practical application of Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, which governs secured transactions, can be a bit mysterious. Even well-documented and properly perfected security interests are sometimes illusory. This is especially true in...

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