Articles & Interviews

Using Your Data to Predict Litigation Costs: Technology is driving up costs, but it may also hold the key to getting a handle on them

How we manage e-discovery is an ever-evolving thing. As the landscape changes, new trends constantly emerge that alter the way that corporations, law firms and service providers operate. Constant change is expected and necessary, given that data volumes continue to skyrocket. Coupled with...

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Finding the Balance: The daughter of a single-mother entrepreneur takes from her the inspiration to raise a family and a company

Cheryl Brunetti is the daughter of a single mom who started a service station at which, in time, her son and daughter both worked. It was an experience that taught young Cheryl lifelong lessons. Brunetti is now the executive chairwoman of RVM Enterprises, Inc., an e-discovery provider that has long...

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After the Breach: When cybersecurity fails, forensics specialists come in to investigate the theft

All the attention cybersecurity has garnered recently makes it easy to forget that computer forensics goes back long before the days of Dropbox, thumb drives, BYOD and the cloud. The contrast is not lost on RVM’s Greg Cancilla, who got his start during a time that now feels like a bygone era...

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