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New DOJ Policies Open the Door to Cooperation for More Companies

Fresh incentives convince companies to open their books (and checkbooks) to get back to business as usual.

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Demystifying the Public Domain: A Guide to Copyright Duration

Each year, a wide array of books, films and more lose their copyright protection and can be freely used without permission. This primer lays out the basics for determining the lifespan of a copyrighted work.

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Career Development

Leading from a Foundation of Core Values

With an eye trained directly on the future, Brian Jackson assumes the role of chair at McNees Wallace & Nurick.

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Labor & Employment

Employers Respond to the #MeToo Movement

Updated policies, new trainings and employee accountability hit the workplace.

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Bon Voyage to the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

  The end of a popular IRS program will have significant ripple effects for taxpayers. On March 13, 2018, the Internal Revenue Service announced that it would begin to ramp down the 2014 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) and would close the program ...

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Regulating Virtual Currency: The New Frontier

  With its multiple financial uses, how should virtual currency be categorized? In the last few years, virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple have moved to the forefront of social and economic discussions. While concerns over legitimacy, practicality and privacy...

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