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Thought Leadership

The Gift of Time & The Call to Leadership

In a twist of events that has turned our world upside down, it’s easy to feel a sense of loss. However, in this difficult time we're reminded that maybe there are some things we have gained.

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Crisis Management | Thought Leadership

Coronavirus Is a Pandemic, Not a Plague

We will survive the novel Coronavirus. But it is going to challenge us. Leadership during up markets is relatively easy. “Buy low, sell high and follow me.” It is during crises where leadership mettle is tested.

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Troll Stigma

One way to stifle competition in the technology sector is through massive intellectual property litigation. Trolling has become so successful as a plaintiff strategy that sometimes companies use the label to dramatically harm a competitor, regardless of the truth.

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Data Privacy

The Weak Link - How Safe Are Outside Counsel’s Data Security Systems?

Even in today's sophisticated, technological world, there is never any guarantee that security systems are safe. Richard Levick, Chairman and CEO of Levick, offers his take on the current state of data security and the questions that law firms should be asking themselves.

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Board of Directors

Over-Criminalization and its Effects on Corporate America, Part IV

Genuine criminal misconduct is one thing. If a company or an executive knowingly, maliciously, and repeatedly violates the law, they deserve society’s censure, plus jail time if warranted.

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Board of Directors

Over-Criminalization & its Effects on Corporate America, Part III

The trend toward criminalizing normal business conduct not only hurts the executives and companies victimized by reckless prosecutors and regulators, it hamstrings the competitiveness of U.S. corporations in the global marketplace.

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Board of Directors

Over-Criminalization and its Effects on Corporate America, Part II

When a company is guilty of willful negligence or gross misconduct, it deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. Indeed, the ability of regulators and law enforcement officials to pursue criminal charges undergirds U.S. corporate law.

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