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Facts First, Facts Fast, Facts Found: Turning review on its head quickly cuts to the heart of the matter

Find Facts Fast is both the name and the mission of FTI Consulting’s innovative approach to document analysis. As David Grant explains below, it deploys researchers to unearth the most crucial materials from the outset, essentially flipping the process upside down to provide counsel with the...

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Best Practices: Global Managed Reviews - Bringing in strong partners with a holistic approach can save time and money

Well-known for its software offerings, FTI Technology is also a major provider of managed review services worldwide. Kathryn L. Hardie and Sophie Ross explain the company’s expertise in negotiating the particularities of global jurisdictions and highlight how their well-trained, nimble team...

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A Tactical Take on IG: Hands-on information governance solutions provide quick wins and a strategic road map

In the December 2014 issue of Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Jake Frazier called for companies to recognize information governance as a must-have tool for the defensible disposal of data. He revisits the topic, sharing examples of FTI’s solutions for its clients. His remarks have been edited...

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Information Governance: A “Must Have” Tool

Editor: What are some of the common information governance challenges that your clients are talking about? Frazier: Depending on which executive officer is speaking, there are two sets of challenges: cost and risk. A CIO, COO or CFO is focused on the cost of information and pressures resulting...

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Issues In Global Discovery In The Wake Of Heightened Privacy Concerns

Editor: Please tell us about your background and the types of matters you commonly work on. Earnshaw: I have 17 years of experience in helping clients with computer forensics, fraud investigations and e-discovery, or e-disclosure as we say here in the UK. In 2006, I founded the London practice...

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Data Collection In A Social Media World

Editor: Tell us about your background and current role at FTI Technology. Roffman: I’ve been with FTI for over seven years. Prior to that, I worked at the Department of Justice’s child exploitation and obscenity section doing computer forensics. This work involved complex...

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Civil Justice

Expert E-Discovery For M&A Second Requests

Editor: Welcome, Kathryn. Please start our discussion by telling us how many second requests you have worked on. McCarthy: In my 17 years of practicing law, I have worked on over 40 second requests – seven during a single year – in connection with the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust...

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