Megan Belcher

ConAgra Foods

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Recently by Megan Belcher

Women Navigating Challenges to Lead in the Law: Advice from 10 lawyers who have talked it and walked it

It is often said that if you are not uncomfortable, you are not growing. Reasonable minds may differ on the nuances; however, what is certain is that along the road of a career aimed at becoming a leader in the practice of law, many challenges will present themselves. Over the past year,...

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Career Development

The Power of Authentic Storytelling: The path to leadership for women in law is bumpy – better get going

Successful, powerful, dynamic leaders do not mysteriously appear in the C-suite fully formed as perfect leaders. Megan Belcher of ConAgra Foods encourages women lawyers to seek out the stories about the paths to leadership from those leaders – the struggles, risks, and triumphs – and...

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