Articles & Interviews


Responsibility For Data Privacy Does Not Pass With Custody: What Service Providers’ Security Audits And Certifications Mean For Corporate Counsel

Visit any business-data-related website and you will find at least one article on the efforts of international hackers to infiltrate U.S. corporate networks to steal both intellectual property and personally identifiable information. While IT departments of potential targets are making...

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Nytrix CIY 4: An End-to-End E-Discovery Solution That Lets Clients Control The Process

Editor: Please give us a brief summary of your background. Garrett: I am the chief operating officer at Complete Discovery Source. I have been in the industry for 22 years, with the last seven being at CDS. My background is largely in the operational side of the business. While I oversee sales...

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Control It Yourself - A New Service Concept In E-Discovery Technology

E-discovery technology is changing rapidly. The demand for more effective data security is at an all-time high. Data volumes continue to grow, and the use of e-discovery technologies has moved beyond the realm of litigation into the investigation and compliance fields. How can corporate legal...

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