Carl C. Fiore

Andersen Tax (FKA WTAS)

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Recently by Carl C. Fiore


Planning For Same-Sex Married Couples – IRS Adopts State Of Celebration Rule

Updating a previous release, in Rev. Rul. 2013-17, 2013-38, IRS ruled that same-sex couples legally married in any domestic or foreign jurisdiction will be treated as married for federal tax purposes, regardless of their state of domicile. In doing so, IRS resolved the question of what...

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Appellate Law

Estate And Gift Tax Considerations Post-Windsor

Editor: Please tell us about your background. Fiore: I am an attorney by training, having received my LLM in estate planning from the University of Miami. I focus in the trust and estate area, and my involvement in planning for same-sex couples began with wealth transfers between same-sex...

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Diversity & Inclusion

Tax Traps And Opportunities: Planning For Same-Sex Marriage

On November 6, 2012, Maine, Maryland and Washington State joined New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the District of Columbia in recognizing same-sex marriage. In extending these legal rights to same-sex couples, some unique and challenging tax planning issues...

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