Articles & Interviews


Health IT Market Trends

Editor: Tell us a little bit about Choate’s Healthcare IT practice. Savage: Choate’s Healthcare IT practice is interdisciplinary and draws on our firm’s collective experience in managing healthcare regulatory, licensing, financing, and M&A transactions for clients in...

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Intellectual Property

Trends In Trade Secret Litigation

Editor: Tell us a little bit about Choate’s trade secret practice. Bunis: Most trade secret disputes arise from an employee taking trade secrets from a former employer or a joint technology venture gone awry. These situations require the immediate attention of lawyers who understand...

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Trends In White Collar Defense Practice:Stepped-Up Government Enforcement Efforts In The Pharma And Medical Device Industries

Editor: There is a lot happening right now in the area of government enforcement and white collar criminal defense. Tell us about your practice and the type of trends you are seeing? Tearney: My practice is currently focused primarily on the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. I...

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