Articles & Interviews

Calm Before the Storm? The latest on transatlantic data transfers following the demise of the Safe Harbor Framework

On October 6, 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) effectively invalidated the U.S.–EU Safe Harbor Framework with its decision in Maximilian Schrems v. Data Protection Commissioner. The Safe Harbor Framework was established in 2000 by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the...

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Civil Rules Roundtable: Low Profile, High Impact

A change to Rule 34 that will likely have a significant impact on future federal discovery practice, but that has gotten far less press than it deserves, is Rule 34(b)(2)(B). The amended version of the rule will now require a responding party not only to either agree to the production as...

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Healthcare | Medical Devices

An Unhealthy Situation: Data breaches plague healthcare providers. Serious advance work can help.

Healthcare providers and health plans are among the most vulnerable organizations when it comes to data breaches. Failing to respond promptly yet accurately to a healthcare data breach can be particularly costly due to potential fines and penalties under the Health Insurance Portability and...

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