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Technology-Assisted Review: An Integral E-Discovery Tool

Editor: Is it a given that some form of technology will be required to meet today’s discovery demands? Lavinder: Absolutely. Electronically stored information is playing a larger and more critical role in discovery, so technology is part of the landscape regardless of procedural decisions...

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Apple: Changing More Than Technology

The recent decision in U.S. v. Apple Inc. (“Apple”), which held that Apple’s agency agreement with publishers was a per se violation of the antitrust laws, may alter the antitrust analysis vertical distribution agreements. Companies with distribution agreements take note....

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Cloud Computing Transactions Are The New “Wild West” Sales Tax Frontier As Jurisdictions Push Aggressively To Increase Online Revenue

To support a marketing initiative, you buy a list of prospective customers from a vendor in California. The list consists of raw data – names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. The names are qualified but the vendor has not otherwise added value – there is no analysis...

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