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Courts Favor Crime Coverage of Email Hacks – For Now

Courts weigh in on whether crime insurance policies should cover losses due to business email compromises – and insurance companies move to adapt.

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Only You Can Prevent Forest Fire Insurance Headaches

The wildfires that devastated California this past fall caused between $9 billion and $13 billion worth of damage, according to various estimates. About 2,000 businesses suffered losses from the Camp, Woolsey and Hill fires, according to California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Beyond those that suffered property damage or were directly in the path of destruction, many other businesses were doubtless affected. After any high-impact disaster, the economic ripples spread wide.

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The “Coded Gaze” of Facial Recognition Technology, Discrimination Lawsuits, and Your Insurance Program

J. Wylie Donald of McCarter & English discusses insurance coverage of potential discrimination claims in relation to facial recognition technology.

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