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Avoiding Emerging Climate Change Pitfalls: What Directors And Officers Need To Consider

Corporate officers and directors face an array of risks arising from climate change. The most salient at this point would appear to involve disclosure obligations and flooding associated with rising sea levels – including liability associated with such flooding. Coastal flooding reportedly...

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CFTC Adopts Final Business Conduct Standards For Swap Dealers And Major Swap Participants

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission recently adopted final rules[1] regarding the business conduct standards with which swap dealers (“SDs”) and major swap participants (“MSPs”) must comply when entering into swaps with counterparties or advising clients regarding...

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Book Review: Indispensable Counsel: The Chief Legal Officer In The New Reality

There’s an old saying: “Out with the old, and in with the new.” "Indispensable Counsel" suggests a new turn of this old phrase for corporate law practitioners, jurists, educators, students, and anyone interested to learn about this dynamic field of law: Authors E...

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