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International Oil And Gas Joint Ventures In Emerging Markets

As growth continues to prove elusive in developed markets, multinational companies (MNCs) in the oil and gas sector are increasingly expanding into emerging markets. This trend has been accelerated by significant new discoveries of reserves, particularly in Africa. Such jurisdictions can be...

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Behind The Scenes Of An Oil And Gas Practice

Editor: Please describe your practice area. Schwind: I am an international oil and gas transactions lawyer. In plain English, that means that I help clients buy and sell oil and gas producing properties and develop those properties. I draft and negotiate concession contracts, production-...

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Energy | Private Equity

Texas – Land Of Opportunity

Editor: As partners-in-charge of the Houston and Dallas offices respectively, would you each describe your practice as well as the practices that each of your offices specializes in? Menges: Our practice in Dallas is a diverse general business practice that serves a variety of industries. We...

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